Monday, August 10, 2009


What an adventure I have had! Throughout the past two weeks leading up to our guilds first Monday night meet-up, I’ve had some unusual computer issues. Included in the craziness was, odd checkerboard like graphical issues, weird freezing black screens of doom (always when I’m in the middle of a huge battle), display driver crashes, and an unusually high amount of zone crashing (loading from one area in the game to another).

On a hunch, I decided to try and shut off Xfire, and everyone of those issues cleared up immediately. I was able to participate in the guild night with everyone, and didn’t have one significant issue. I took having to turn off Xfire with a little bit more disappointment than I thought was possible though.
I’m going to avoid any rant that may seem possible by the exponentially frustrating situation of having the only game you want to play at the moment not work. Patches come and go and it’s a given that sometimes programs just don’t play nice sometimes.

I tend to jump onto the bandwagon of new things quite late in the game. That includes sites like, GamerdnaXfire, and Twitter. I have yet to figure out if it’s a fear that I’ll get addicted to checking, posting, interacting, and so on. It most likely is though.

Xfire offers the ability to track your hourly progress in games. Logging the new games experienced, and moving them over to my gamerdna page. There’s something comforting and compulsive about seeing the current game that I’m playing slowly overtake the other games that I’ve logged time while Xfire was installed.

I’ll cut to the chase and say that, Xfire, and other social network/stat tracking sites have made me jump on the bandwagon known as, Achievement Whore. In truth, I was smug in my belief that I wouldn’t have to worry about that facet of my personality. I didn’t own and Xbox 360. I mean really that’s the only way that happens, right? Yeah, I know, that’s just a thin excuse perpetrated on myself to stipend the inevitable conclusion.

Ticking numbers, that’s all I’m missing about Xfire right now, but damn it if it isn’t nice to see each little increase.

There once was a man…and his name was DING!

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